6 Clubs
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VIP, Pool +1

In the biggest little city in the world, Reno, Nevada, stands an embodiment of upscale nightlife and entertainment – LEX Nightclub. Reno, with its distinctive blend of old-world charm and modern attractions, has always been a destination for those in pursuit of varied experiences. Amidst this, LEX sets itself apart as an epitome of luxury, style, and unforgettable nights. Let's delve into the opulent world of LEX.

A Design that Dazzles

LEX Nightclub, from the moment you approach its entrance, exudes an aura of exclusivity. Its architecture and interior design meld contemporary aesthetics with hints of classic elegance. The expansive space, adorned with state-of-the-art lighting and plush seating, creates an ambiance that's both inviting and grand.

Epicenter of Sound and Rhythm

Music is the heartbeat of LEX. The club boasts one of the most advanced sound systems, ensuring that every beat, rhythm, and note engulfs patrons in a sensory experience. With renowned DJs often gracing the decks, as well as live performances by popular artists, LEX has firmly established itself as Reno's musical haven.

Dance under the Stars

One of LEX's standout features is its outdoor pool area. This allows club-goers to dance under the open sky, enjoy a refreshing dip, or simply lounge by the pool with a drink in hand. This seamless blend of indoor opulence and outdoor freedom creates a unique clubbing experience.

Gastronomic Indulgences

While LEX is primarily known for its music and dance, it doesn't shy away from tantalizing the taste buds. With a menu that boasts a curated selection of snacks, appetizers, and larger bites, patrons can satiate their hunger in between dance sessions. The culinary delights are both gourmet and delectable, making them perfect companions for the beverages on offer.

Cocktails and Concoctions

The bar at LEX is a work of art. With an extensive range of spirits, wines, and beers, along with expert mixologists who craft innovative cocktails, every drink is a journey in flavor. The presentation, often theatrical, adds an element of visual delight to the drinking experience.

VIP Exclusivity

For those seeking an even more personalized experience, LEX offers VIP sections and bottle service. With dedicated servers, premium seating areas, and an enhanced view of the club, the VIP experience is all about pampering and luxury.

Safety and Sophistication Combined

LEX Nightclub, while being a hub of energy and entertainment, places a high premium on the safety of its guests. A professional security team ensures a hassle-free environment, allowing patrons to immerse themselves in the night without any concerns.

Reno's Premier Destination for Upscale Nightlife

LEX Nightclub stands as a beacon of upscale nightlife in Reno, setting the bar high for entertainment, luxury, and experiences that linger in memory. For both locals and tourists, LEX is more than just a club; it's a destination where every night holds the promise of magic, rhythm, and unparalleled luxury. If Reno is the biggest little city with myriad attractions, LEX Nightclub is its crowning jewel.

The BlueBird Reno Logo

The BlueBird Reno

Live music

Situated in the heart of Reno, Nevada's bustling nightlife, The BlueBird Reno emerges as an emblem of the city's evolving contemporary culture. A venue that transcends the traditional concept of a nightclub, The BlueBird offers a unique confluence of sound, visual arts, and an ethos rooted in community engagement. Let's dive into the rich tapestry that makes The BlueBird Reno a must-visit spot for locals and tourists alike.

Architectural Allure

The exterior of The BlueBird is a juxtaposition of Reno's historic charm with hints of modern design. As you step inside, the venue's layout exudes a spacious yet intimate vibe. Dynamic lighting, combined with an array of art installations, transforms the space into a living canvas that changes mood with every event.

The Resonance of Sound

The BlueBird Reno has rightfully earned its reputation as a hub for music enthusiasts. With a state-of-the-art sound system, the venue delivers an auditory experience that's both immersive and crystal clear. From electronic and techno beats to live bands playing rock, jazz, or indie, The BlueBird caters to a diverse musical palette.

A Palette of Visual Arts

What truly sets The BlueBird apart is its commitment to promoting visual arts. The walls serve as ever-changing galleries, showcasing local and visiting artists. From avant-garde installations to traditional paintings, the venue is a celebration of artistic expression. This integration of art adds depth to the clubbing experience, making every visit unique.

Crafted Concoctions and Delights

The bar at The BlueBird is nothing short of a mixologist's playground. With a menu that features both classic cocktails and house specialties, each drink is crafted with precision and flair. Patrons can also enjoy a selection of craft beers and fine wines, making the venue suitable for both casual gatherings and celebratory nights out.

Events and Community Gatherings

The BlueBird isn't just about weekend clubbing; it's a space that thrives on community engagement. From themed nights, art exhibitions, and local fundraisers to workshops and cultural events, the venue wears many hats. It's this versatility that makes The BlueBird not just a club, but a cornerstone of Reno's cultural landscape.

An Emphasis on Inclusivity

One of the core tenets of The BlueBird Reno is its dedication to creating an inclusive environment. The club welcomes people from all walks of life, fostering a space where diversity is celebrated. Respect and safety are of paramount importance, ensuring that every patron feels at home.

Eclectic, Evolving, and Ever-welcoming

The BlueBird Reno, in its essence, is a reflection of the city's evolving identity. It's a place where the lines between a nightclub, an art gallery, and a community center blur, offering patrons an experience that's both enriching and entertaining.

An Eclectic Fusion of Music, Art, and Vibrant Energy

In the vibrant tapestry of Reno's nightlife, The BlueBird Reno stands out as a venue that marries entertainment with artistic expression. It's more than just a place to dance the night away; it's a space that resonates with the heartbeats of countless artists, musicians, and patrons who call it their own. For anyone seeking an experience that's as thought-provoking as it is exhilarating, The BlueBird Reno beckons.

Aura Ultra Lounge Logo

Aura Ultra Lounge

Live music

Nestled within the luminous cityscape of Reno, Nevada, Aura Ultra Lounge emerges as a sanctuary for the discerning party-goer. An epitome of elegance and exclusivity, this club is not just a nightlife destination but an experience waiting to be unraveled. Let's journey through the luxurious allure of Aura Ultra Lounge.

Entrancing Ambiance

From the moment one steps into Aura Ultra Lounge, it's evident that this isn't your run-of-the-mill club. The opulent interiors, adorned with plush furnishings and mood lighting, craft an atmosphere of intimacy juxtaposed with grandeur. Crystal chandeliers, draped curtains, and contemporary art pieces accentuate the lounge's ultramodern vibe.

Euphonic Symphony of Sounds

At the heart of any lounge lies its musical offerings, and Aura Ultra Lounge certainly does not disappoint. With a top-tier sound system, the venue promises an acoustic experience that's immersive and pristine. The club often hosts renowned DJs who spin a diverse array of tracks, from sultry R&B to pulsating electronic beats, ensuring that every night is distinct.

Culinary and Cocktail Magic

Aura Ultra Lounge prides itself on offering a gastronomic experience that matches its musical and aesthetic ambiance. A menu replete with gourmet bites ensures that patrons can satiate their palate while soaking in the vibes. But what truly elevates the experience is the bar. Housing expert mixologists, the lounge offers a cocktail menu that's both classic and inventive. Each concoction, crafted with precision and flair, promises a symphony of flavors.

VIP Extravagance

For those seeking an extra layer of luxury, Aura Ultra Lounge offers an unparalleled VIP experience. Personalized service, exclusive seating areas, and an extensive bottle menu cater to those who wish for a touch of exclusivity. The club's dedication to ensuring that every VIP guest feels pampered is truly commendable.

A Calendar of Engaging Events

Beyond its regular nightlife offerings, Aura Ultra Lounge frequently curates special events and theme nights. From celebrity guest appearances to exclusive launch parties, these events often become the talk of the town, further cementing the lounge's reputation as Reno's elite nightlife destination.

Safety and Serenity Combined

In the midst of the energetic ambiance, Aura Ultra Lounge places a strong emphasis on the safety and comfort of its patrons. With a discreet yet efficient security team, guests can revel in the night's offerings without a care, ensuring that their experience remains untainted.

The Pinnacle of Sophistication in Reno's Nightlife

Aura Ultra Lounge stands as a beacon in Reno's vibrant nightlife scene. It's not just a club but a testament to the finer things in life. Every aspect, from its design and music to its culinary offerings, speaks of sophistication. Whether you're a local seeking a luxurious night out or a tourist wishing to experience the best of Reno, Aura Ultra Lounge promises an evening that's both memorable and mesmerizing.



VIP, Live music

Amid the shimmering city lights and bustling streets of Reno, Nevada, stands a nightlife gem that has become the talk of the town - NOVI. A confluence of contemporary design, pulsating music, and vibrant energy, NOVI offers an experience that transcends mere clubbing. Let's embark on a journey through this modern marvel.

A Celebration of Modernity

One of the defining features of NOVI is its commitment to contemporary aesthetics. The club's exterior is sleek and minimalist, providing a hint of the stylish interiors within. Inside, patrons are met with a blend of state-of-the-art lighting systems, plush seating, and architectural elements that resonate with modern design principles. It's a space where art meets entertainment.

The Pulse of Music

At its core, NOVI is dedicated to delivering a world-class musical experience. With an advanced sound system that resonates with clarity, every note, beat, and rhythm envelops guests in a sonic embrace. From chart-topping hits to the deeper undertones of house and techno, NOVI’s diverse musical selection ensures that there's something for everyone.

Gastronomic Adventures

NOVI isn't just about sound and sight; it's also a treat for the taste buds. The club boasts a curated menu of snacks and bites, catering to both the casual nibbler and the gourmet enthusiast. Pair these delights with NOVI's extensive range of drinks, from classic cocktails to signature concoctions, and you have a culinary experience that complements the vibrant atmosphere.

The Enigmatic Energy

What truly sets NOVI apart from other venues is the energy it exudes. Every element, from the staff's warm welcome to the crowd's vivacity, contributes to an environment that's both exhilarating and welcoming. It's a space where memories are made, friendships are forged, and nights transform into stories.

Events that Enthral

NOVI takes pride in its dynamic events calendar. Beyond the regular club nights, the venue often hosts special guest DJs, themed parties, and exclusive launches. These events not only add variety to the club's offerings but also position NOVI as a central figure in Reno's cultural and entertainment scene.

Safety in Sophistication

In the midst of its modern splendor, NOVI places a strong emphasis on the safety and well-being of its patrons. A professional security team ensures that the environment remains conducive to enjoyment, allowing guests to immerse themselves fully in the NOVI experience without any reservations.

Reno's Modern Marvel of Nightlife

NOVI is more than just another addition to Reno's nightlife; it's a statement. It's where modern design meets age-old clubbing traditions, where every night promises a blend of sonic pleasure and visual delight. For those looking to experience Reno's evolving nightlife scene, NOVI stands as a beacon, inviting all to revel in its contemporary charm. Whether you're dancing the night away or simply soaking in the ambiance, at NOVI, every moment becomes a cherished memory.

Tonic Logo


Live music

Tucked away amidst Reno's glittering skyline and bustling streets lies Tonic, a nightlife destination that has cemented its place in the hearts of both locals and visitors alike. Effortlessly blending the excitement of clubbing with an ambiance of familiarity, Tonic presents a unique take on the city's vibrant nocturnal scene. Let's delve into the magnetic allure of this renowned club.

Unmistakably Distinctive Atmosphere

Upon entering Tonic, one is instantly struck by its unique design ethos. The club effortlessly marries industrial chic with elements of rustic charm, resulting in an ambiance that's both edgy and welcoming. Exposed brick walls juxtapose with modern art pieces, while warm, ambient lighting casts a golden glow over the space, creating an inviting and relaxed environment.

An Odyssey of Sound

Tonic's true soul lies in its music. Equipped with a top-tier sound system, the club offers an auditory experience that's pure, immersive, and downright electrifying. The music spans a wide spectrum - from the latest chartbusters to classic rock anthems and electrifying electronic beats, ensuring that everyone finds their groove.

Liquid Alchemy

The bar at Tonic is nothing short of a mixologist's paradise. Whether you're in the mood for a timeless cocktail, an innovative concoction, or a straightforward shot, the skilled bartenders craft each drink with precision and passion. Their expertise is evident in every sip, offering patrons a chance to discover new favorites or revel in trusted classics.

A Dynamic Social Hub

Beyond the beats and beverages, Tonic is renowned for its infectious social atmosphere. The club attracts a diverse crowd, from seasoned club-goers to curious newcomers. This melting pot of personalities ensures that the conversations are as engaging as the music, making Tonic not just a place to dance, but also a space to connect.

Events to Remember

Tonic's events calendar is a testament to its dynamic spirit. Regular theme nights, special DJ sets, and holiday celebrations keep the club's offerings fresh and engaging. Moreover, its commitment to hosting local talent ensures that patrons get a taste of Reno's burgeoning music scene.

Safety and Comfort, Hand in Hand

Amidst all the exhilaration, Tonic prioritizes the safety and well-being of its guests. A vigilant security team, combined with the club's policy of respect and inclusivity, ensures that every patron can let loose in a secure environment.

Reno's Exhilarating Dive into Nightlife

Tonic is more than just another club in Reno's nightlife tapestry; it's an experience, an emotion. It's where pulsating beats meet heartfelt conversations, where nights turn into memories, and where every visit feels like a reunion. For those looking to immerse themselves in a space that's as vibrant as it is comforting, Tonic beckons with open arms and a promise of nights that resonate long after the music fades.

5 Star Saloon Logo

5 Star Saloon

LGBT+, Live music

In the pulsating heart of Reno, where neon lights kiss the Nevada skyline, the 5 Star Saloon stands as an emblem of inclusivity, vivacity, and unadulterated fun. For decades, this establishment has welcomed patrons from all walks of life, becoming a cherished haven in the city's diverse nightlife tapestry. Let us embark on an expedition through the legendary 5 Star Saloon.

Legacy and Inclusivity: A Timeless Blend

One of the most defining aspects of the 5 Star Saloon is its rich history as one of Reno's premier LGBTQ+ venues. However, its doors swing open for everyone, irrespective of their background or identity. At its core, the saloon is a celebration of unity, love, and the unyielding spirit of community.

An Ambiance That Resonates

Within the walls of the 5 Star Saloon, the ambiance is a harmonious blend of traditional saloon charm and contemporary flair. Rustic wooden accents meet vibrant lighting, creating an atmosphere that's both cozy and electrifying. The decor tells tales of the past while embracing the now, offering patrons a space that feels both nostalgic and refreshingly modern.

The Rhythmic Heartbeat

Music is the lifeblood of the 5 Star Saloon. From classic anthems that awaken memories to current hits that get feet tapping, the saloon offers an eclectic mix that caters to all musical palates. On certain nights, live performances elevate the energy, turning the venue into a pulsating hub of melodies and rhythms.

Liquid Delights: A Bar Like No Other

No saloon is complete without its array of drinks, and the 5 Star Saloon delivers with panache. Classic cocktails, innovative mixes, and a broad selection of spirits ensure that there's a drink for every mood and occasion. The bartenders, with their impeccable skills and warm demeanor, add a touch of magic to every glass.

Events that Sparkle

The 5 Star Saloon is renowned for its dynamic events calendar. Themed nights, drag shows, karaoke sessions, and special celebrations ensure that there's always something happening. Each event is crafted with love and attention to detail, providing patrons with experiences that linger in memory.

Safety and Respect: Non-Negotiables

While the 5 Star Saloon is a space of celebration, it firmly upholds the principles of safety and respect. A dedicated security team ensures a protective environment, and the saloon's ethos of inclusivity ensures every patron is treated with the respect they deserve.

A Constellation in Reno's Night Sky

The 5 Star Saloon is not just an establishment; it's a sentiment, a testament to Reno's spirit of inclusivity and celebration. Whether you're looking to dance the night away, enjoy a quiet drink, or simply bask in an atmosphere that feels like home, this saloon promises an experience that warms the heart and invigorates the soul. In a city teeming with nightlife options, the 5 Star Saloon shines bright, beckoning all to partake in its radiant embrace.

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